Audiobooks for Long Car Rides

As I’ve mentioned, my new job requires me to be on the road a few times a month. Rather than listen to hours of music or talk radio I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks! I listen to them much faster than I read books, so, once again, I grouped four together.

2019 Book List

Hearing no recommendations from my 2018 Book Recap, I put together a short 2019 Book List. Just like last year, I put together this list based on NYT Best Sellers, other website lists (Amazon, GoodReads, etc), leftovers from last year’s list, and recommendations from bloggers I follow.

My 2018 Book List Recap

I read a ton of books in 2018! Some of them were on my 2018 book list, some of them not. Some great, some good, and some so bad I didn’t finish. I can say that 99% of the books I read were borrowed from the library.