I was recently talking with a friend about being frugal verses being cheap. I think most of us land somewhere in the middle depending on the situation. My latest frugal/cheap situation came when planning our Christmas menu. Nol-dog and I went to Target to buy the groceries and I was super cheap because I used:…
Blog Crushes
When we started to seriously talk about buying my in-law’s house I started reading all sorts of blogs and quickly became obsessed with Young House Love. Then my grandparents sold their old farmhouse and one of the new owners blogs at Proverbs31Girl. They’ve done an amazing job updating the house and it gives me inspiration for what…
What’s in a name?
Thanks Shakespeare! (I had to Google that quote to confirm that’s who it came from.) I wanted to start this blog to be creative and relax. Bonus was to give nol-dog a break from all my chatter, only to trade for the clack clack of the keyboard. But I found it incredibly hard to give…