I snapped this photo of Sophie right after we put up the tree. It’s a fake tree that has lasted us probably six or seven years now, pretty good for a fake. I always use silver and white ornaments and last year I added some silver ribbon. I love how it brightens up the entire living room.

What’s also exciting is that I’m typing this from our new office!! The desk is set up (complete with a grown-up file cabinet- I’m so excited and officially old). We’ve set up the computer, sewing machine and Nolan hung a couple pictures. But we still need some shelving, window treatments, and the crown molding installed (which might be awhile, my brother and his girlfriend welcomed baby Claire Mary-Jane this weekend so he’ll be a bit preoccupied 🙂 I can’t wait for this cold to end so I can go meet my new niece! ) But, I have started to play around with some decorations:


I hate/love those styled desks on Pinterest that have all matching pens or pencils, but come on, we all know that’s not reality. I’m not super hot on the plant; it’s fake and was part of a cheap orchid arrangement I bought just for the orchid. I LOVE the photo my friend Bria gave me of us at her wedding. And the book is One Line a Day from Amazon. It’s like a lazy-man’s diary. For instance on May 31st I wrote “Bria’s Wedding!” and today I’ll write something like Christmas Eve morning at the Christensen’s and Christmas Eve night at the Pitlick’s. 🙂

A celebration of God’s love
In the special time of Christmas,
With all your family and friends,
Stay blessed on this beautiful occasion,
Merry Christmas!