Calling in the pros

Remember last year we cut down the trees, put on a new deck (ok, 95% of a deck) and I attempted to trim the lilacs? That’s all fine and good but when your backyard still looks like this, it’s time to call in the pros.  Nolan liked to joke that it was our “butterfly sanctuary”, but…


Why is it that the last 10% of a project is the hardest? We’ve done a ton of work downstairs and yet there is still some work left that we just can’t manage to complete. Black cabinet piece on top cabinets Decor (I thought I had the space decorated before we took the wallpaper down! )…

Dinner Deck Party

I heard this story while driving into work this morning and the introvert in me cringed but the wannabe-extrovert in me thought COOL! Per the web site, “Dishcourse is a platform for bringing people together one meal at a time.” Basically amateur or hobby chefs sign up to host dinner parties and adventurous, extrovert dinners…

Dinner for 6?

Why yes, we can host a dinner for 6 now that we have our new patio furniture! When I ordered it Target gave me an estimated shipping date, but they use an outside company to ship it. Said company sent me an email that said “We’ll send you an email before it’s delivered.” I never got…

Lilac Trimming

I took this picture last winter when I thought the lilacs were never going to come back. But they did! The two bushes in the middle are the lilacs, IDK what the one on the left is and the one on the right is a currant bush. I LOVE lilacs but they weren’t blooming as much…

Installing cement pavers

WARNING PHOTO OVERLOAD!! After removing the cement footings we Nolan installed some square pavers at the bottom of the deck stairs. The old deck didn’t have stairs, so this area was covered with wood chips and some landscaping. I thought I transplanted all the hostas, but you can see one tiny one got left behind. Step…

Our chairs arms are falling off!

Who else is super excited about Dumb and Dumber To? Remember the “Our pets’ heads are falling off!” scene from the first movie? Classic. It’s funny timing because I was just starting to get used to Jeff Daniels in a serious role on The Newsroom. Sophie’s head isn’t falling off, but our chair arms are!…

Removing cement footings

Our new deck isn’t technically 100% done yet, it still needs one railing and some of the composite boards to cover up the frame/beams- I’m told it’s called fascia. Here is what it looked like the other day when it was raining. My brother made those adirondack chairs  for us several years ago. We stained them but…

Ya ya yard work!

More like ya ya yawn. I love the smell of fresh cut grass but I’m not a fan of the work behind it. We’re in the middle of some major yard work, like call in the pros yard-work. All the big pine trees are down in the back, so we’re left with a large hosta/pine…

Deck – During

Warning: This is a boring post. Sorry.Just some pictures of wood, footings, cement, joists and boards.Wood delivery day! I transplanted a bunch of hostas that were previously living here. They would have been right in line of the new stairs. No bueno. Make sure you call your local peeps before you dig. Even though there were…