There is a Chinese restaurant close to our house that we go to maybe once a month to get our MSG fix. I’m talking about fried egg rolls, cream cheese puffs, and super saucy low mein. I always order chicken pad Thai and get about 4 meals out of it. It tastes great and is super convenient but not healthy. So this week I set out to make my own. I found this recipe on Cooking Classy.

I started the noodles and chicken while Nolan whisked together the sauce. This is one of the first soy sauce-based recipes I’ve made that wasn’t too overpowering.


I couldn’t find fresh bean sprouts at Target, maybe they don’t even sell them? But I couldn’t seem to tell the difference with the canned ones. Instead of buying matchstick carrots, I just bought my usual bag and chopped them up.



After the veggies cooked a bit I added the eggs.


After the eggs were scrambled you add back in the chicken and sauce. My pan wasn’t big enough to combine with the noodles, so I just put some noodles on my plate and spooned the chicken/veggies over them. Pad Thai isn’t pad Thai without some cilantro and peanuts.


Even though Nolan wasn’t feeling 100% that night he still ate a decent amount; I take that as approval. Other recipes from Cooking Classy I want to try are the Black Bean Soup and Greek Tacos.

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