Trust Exercise by Susan Choi just won the 2019 National Book Award for Fiction. So, naturally, I added it to my library queue. To my surprise, it was almost immediately filled. It’s not a super long book so I brought it with me on my recent trip back to Minnesota for Christmas.

Once again, I started the book blink. IE I had no idea what it was about. I also had no idea that Choi’s writing style was so, how do I say, scattered? Difficult? Unlike some of the negative reviews, I got through the first part relatively easily. Some of it was icky (think #MeToo). In the second part I couldn’t get through more than 2 pages of incoherent discussion on the name Karen. I skipped to the end and then read spoilers online.

I can’t say that I recommend this book, but I also can’t say I don’t recommend this book. It’s a difficult read for sure, but that might be more of my mind’s limitations than Choi’s writing. There are others that love the book and it won a National Book Award for goodness sake! I think I should check out one of her other books.

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