Goldfish Book List

Anytime I hear about a book on MPR or hear a recommendation I jot it down, because I have the memory of a goldfish. The number of notepads I go through at work is astonishing. Many times I go through them and find a forgotten report/email/presentation I’d promised. Below is my goldfish book list. Big Magic by…

Checking things off the list

I know I’m not the only person that lurves to check things off lists. My friend Kelsey and I went to grad school together and used to get some weird high when we’d highlight each completed week off the class syllabus. Why doesn’t that same list voodoo happen when I’m checking things of the grocery list? The last…


Blogging is way easier if you just talk about things you find online and not actually do anything. Like: Make this salad Buy this cycling tank and get on my trainer set up again. Boo winter. Hope that it’s this snowy at Winter Park come January. Convince myself that these won’t look like they were…

Another List

Now that volleyball is over, cabin-season is winding down, and I can be fueled by PSLs, I feel motivated to tackle a bunch of inside projects!  Here are just a few I’ve been thinking a lot about: Blog about kitchen/dining/hallway wallpaper removal. Install bathroom door knob. Install crown molding in front bedroom and office, maybe…

Days Off

Like any other normal person I decided to paint my bathroom on my day off. Sounds easy, right? Wrong.   -Remove the towel and TP holder. -Remove light fixture and mirror. -Patch holes including those mentioned above. -Wait an hour. -Sand patches. -Re-apply spackle. -Wait an hour. -Sand patches again. -Wash down all walls from…


Why is it that the last 10% of a project is the hardest? We’ve done a ton of work downstairs and yet there is still some work left that we just can’t manage to complete. Black cabinet piece on top cabinets Decor (I thought I had the space decorated before we took the wallpaper down! )…

web finds

Could you grab a case of beer? Jewelry made out of dot, dot, dash, dash dot. What it’s like to be a woman, by Amy Poehler. I’m all about the HP. Another friend bites the dust. (In a good way 🙂 ) 15 Reasons Why You’re The Most Annoying Person on FaceBook. I will admit that…

web finds

Turning the Tables on a Phone Scammer Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names Corner Recycling Center Cheese boards Another doesn’t-look-like-Ikea Ikea kitchen DIY desk These and these sunglasses This post: WAY more effective than my pink garbage can

web finds

I *should* be doing something more productive on a Saturday morning but instead I’ve been surfing the web, look what I found! 1. A toolbox in your hair. 2. New York Magazine’s rant on avocado toast on Instagram. 3. Dogs of Domino, especially #8/9 and #20. 4. Renovation Regrets and the most expensive new light fixture. 5.…

McList Update!

Time for a McList update! The last update was from about 6 months ago, since then we’ve done a lot, and I’ve added a lot to the list of to-dos! I mixed in some pictures to make it a tiny bit more interesting. Master Bedroom More here, here and here. DONE: Remove wallpaper & prep for…