The 2024 University of Okoboji Half Marathon was on Saturday, July 20th. The weather was overcast and in the mid 60s. Perfect day to get acid reflux while running a half marathon! 😵‍💫

2024 University of Okoboji Half Marathon Recap

Scott grabbed my packet so all I had to do was show up at the start line. There were only a few hundred people doing the half marathon. There was also a triathlon, 10k and 5k, but they all started from different spots. The start went up the tiniest little hill, but that was just the beginning of the rolling course.

After a fast first mile we turned down a country road. I was afraid we might run into some storms but we somehow skirted around them. The first several miles went by relatively quickly. I was taking in the sites, allowing myself to walk up the hills I didn’t want to run.

I was cruising along, not sure how I felt about the mile markers stating miles to go, instead of miles run. Some family met me around mile 7 and my mom snapped the top right photo of me. I was still feeling ok at that point (especially because it was a downhill moment). Then I felt my stomach turn acidy around mile 8.

I get acid reflux maybe once a month, but it’s always when I eat too close to bed. This was the first time it happened 1) during the day and 2) during a run and 3) causing me to vomit (3x!) I was then afraid to continue running for fear it would bounce things back up again. My pace quickly slowed but I knew I could finish- see how my chart below goes to almost all blue after mile 9? That’s me walking.

The Route

The route stayed pretty close to West Okoboji Lake so there was almost always lake views. My Garmin shows that I followed the route pretty spot on but I never even hit 13 miles.

My watch recorded just 12.9 miles… so does this still count for my 50 states goal? (Me thinks yes.) Even though I was one of the very last people to finish, the volunteers were still out there cheering and directing me on. The finish line chute was super fun too – all downhill and right into Arnold’s Park. I was feeling so defeated so seeing several family members at the finish line made me tear up a bit.

After finishing I didn’t have any more reflux issues. I think from traveling, not eating my normal meals and sleeping in a new place got me all out of sorts. I didn’t even drink my finish line beer!

Full or Half Marathon in Every State

Iowa officially checks my halfway mark!

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