Similar to my typical Snapchat Day, I created a day in the life of Sophie! Because I’m a crazy dog lady like that and I want to experiment with a new gallery tool within WordPress. 🙂

A Day in the Life of Sophie

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”A Day in the Life of a Black Goldendoodle: Sophie”]

6:52am: After a quick trip outside, it’s time for breakfast in my new dining room.

9:52am: Keeping dad company while he works in the office.

10:09am: Migrated to the entry to wait for grandpa to come over.

10:57am: Getting so excited for my walk!

11:19am: I hate getting my paws wiped off.

4:03pm: Dinner time!

4:56pm: Mom’s home, time to play with my dragon!

5:39pm: Evening walk with mom and dad.

6:15pm: Time to play with my dragon again.

8:39pm: After a day of walks and playing, it’s bedtime!

After documenting a day in the life of Sophie I realize it mostly consists of sleeping, eating, walking or just hanging out. Could there be a better life for a dog?

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